Check out my apps: miaocast and Celluloid.

Hello, Independency

1 min read

After working in Big Tech for 12 years (less than 2 years @Amazon and over 10 years @Google), I’ve decided to start my indie journey.

I wrote this blog at 2:20PM on my last day at Google and in a few hours I will hand over my badge and can no longer call myself a Googler. This is a huge change for me, and has been something I dreamt about doing for many years. However, at this particular moment, I felt strangely calm, feeling kind of like I’m going on a 2 weeks vacation instead of leaving a steady well paying job that I’ve been doing for almost a third of my life. Perhaps, the effects of this change will slowly kick in over the next week or so as I switch gear to work on something completely new.

I plan to use this blog to document things I learn along the way, so that one day I can look back and have some proof that this all happened. So stay tuned for more updates (you can follow the blog using this RSS Feed!

Xiaoming's Blog

Indie developer based in San Jose, California.